Dr. Kathleen Lynch

Dr. Kathleen M. Lynch is Professor of Classics at the University of Cincinnati, where she teaches courses in Greek archaeology and mythology. Her research studies Greek ceramics from archaeological excavations, especially figure-decorated pottery made in Athens. Her book, The Symposium in Context: Pottery from a Late Archaic House near the Athenian Agora, published in 2011, won the James R. Wiseman Award for best publication in Archaeology in 2013. At Cincinnati she won the Cohen Excellence in Teaching Award in 2014. In 2016 she won a Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence for her leadership as Head of the Classics department (the first female head, ever). As an archaeologist, she has studied pottery from archaeological sites in Greece (Athenian Agora, Corinth, Pylos, and Olynthus), Italy (Morgantina), Turkey (Troy and Gordion), and Albania (Apollonia). In her free time, she loves to knit.
Find out more about Dr. Kathleen Lynch at: https://researchdirectory.uc.edu/p/lynchkn