John Haberstroh

John Haberstroh is a Ph.D. Candidate in History (Ancient Mediterranean) at the University of California, Riverside. His dissertation examines the intersections between local and Panhellenic cultures, identities, and politics at the major extraurban sanctuaries of the northeast Peloponnese (Nemea, Isthmia, the Argive Heraion, and the Asclepieion). His primary research interests focus on the deconstruction of Panhellenism (i.e., collective Greek identity), Greek athletics, festivals, and sanctuaries, and Greco-Persian interactions. John volunteers with the Save Ancient Studies Alliance as the leader of the "Access Team" which is creating an open-access online database of resources for the study of the ancient world. John was the Fowler Merle-Smith fellow at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in 2017-2018 and is one of ten Mellon-Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellows for 2021-2022. When John is not thinking, reading, or writing about the ancient Mediterranean, he is probably dreaming about training for his next marathon, listening to heavy metal, or making snacks for his two kids. You can read about John's travels to Greece, thoughts on teaching, and long-distance running on his blog: https://arunthroughtime.com/.