Leyla Johnson

Leyla Johnson is a Lebanese-American video game developer who specializes in historical strategy games. She earned a degree in journalism also picking up minors in French and Arab Lit along the way. In addition to speaking English and French, Leyla is a polyglot with the ability to speak Lebanese, Modern Standard Arabic, Spanish, Italian, and some Russian. She has worked on government programs, developed a language testing program through voice recognition, and taught Arabic and French to diplomats & military personnel. Between being the newsletter editor of the American Embassy in Syria, having her own live radio show, and becoming founder and CEO of her gaming company Mohawk Games, she has held quite a few jobs in her career, of which she is very proud. She is mother to three very lovely children and you can find her on Twitter @LeylaCatJ
You can follow Leyla on twitter, "@LeylaCatJ" and check out her newly released game "Old World" on the Epic Games Store: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/old-world.