Dr. Stephen Sansom
Stephen Sansom is a Postdoc in the Department of Classics at Cornell University and fellow of Cornell's Active Learning Initiative. He is a Hellenist specializing in early Greek poetry and its reception, especially socioaesthetics, digital humanities, and the poetics of style, genre, and intertext. ...
Derek (Hellenistic Age Podcast)
Derek is the creator and host of the Hellenistic Age Podcast, a show dedicated to covering the history of the ancient world from Alexander the Great to Cleopatra (323 - 30BC). While not a trained classicist or historian, a lifelong passion for all things antiquity convinced him to hop in front of a...
Dr. Kara Cooney
Kara Cooney is a professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture and Chair of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at UCLA. Cooney’s research in coffin reuse, primarily focusing on the 21st Dynasty, is ongoing. Her research investigates the socioeconomic and political turmoil that have p...
Betty Robertson
BAFTA Nominated Writer and Narrative Designer Betty Robertson loves her own voice. She’s a multidisciplinary autodidact with a background in Animation. When she’s not writing (for work), she’s still writing one thing or she’s writing another. Betty is currently stationed in Montréal and working at L...
Dr. Joseph “Joe” Manning
Joe Manning is the William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson Professor of Classics and History at Yale University. He has two primary research focuses, the Economic and legal History of the Hellenistic world, and Egyptian history in the long run. His main concern has been the historical interpretation of th...
Afiya Augustine
Afiya Augustine is an eternal student and lifelong dreamer with aspirations of finding her true calling. When the Trinidadian born isn't working as a Director in education, the Brooklyn-based content creator is crafting for her online accessories shop, Pretty Poet Ink, she is working on her podcast,...
John Haberstroh
John Haberstroh is a Ph.D. Candidate in History (Ancient Mediterranean) at the University of California, Riverside. His dissertation examines the intersections between local and Panhellenic cultures, identities, and politics at the major extraurban sanctuaries of the northeast Peloponnese (Nemea, Is...
Dr. Brooke Holmes
Brooke Holmes teaches at Princeton University. She holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Columbia University, a D.E.A. from the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Princeton University. She works on ancient Greek medicine and life science,...
Rachel Finnell
Rachel Finnell is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Kansas. She specializes in Comparative Politics and International Relations with a concentration on Authoritarian Regimes. Her dissertation explores whether authoritarian regimes follow their constitution...
Leyla Johnson
Leyla Johnson is a Lebanese-American video game developer who specializes in historical strategy games. She earned a degree in journalism also picking up minors in French and Arab Lit along the way. In addition to speaking English and French, Leyla is a polyglot with the ability to speak Lebanese, M...
Dr. Campbell “Cam” Grey
Cam Grey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Much of his scholarly work has concentrated on the experiences of small rural communities in the Roman and late Roman world. Most recently, he was a co-director of The Roman Peasant Project 2...
Jessica Bernstetter
Jessica Bernstetter is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Missouri. She specializes in archaeology and is interested in the process of urbanization and infrastructure in the Roman world, specifically the water and sanitation systems of Pompeii and Herculaneum. H...